Friday, February 27, 2009

more tax for rich

surprising to see this move from a corporate controlled govt
anyway, this is the right way to go... rich have only far richer and poor became poorer...
if only we could have this policy in india... it would be great.... 1% additional tax on ambani would save tons of rupees for poor people...

more tax cuts for rich

surprising to see this move from a corporate controlled govt

Manned space flight by india

why do we really need a a manned

obama breaks bush record
$1.75 tn deficit this year

i thought only bush could have managed to take US into a huge deficit....
obama is breaking bush's record in making the larget deficit in the least amount of time

Thursday, February 26, 2009

No salary hike, job cuts

As a part of cost cutting measures to tackle global economic downturn, IT major Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Thursday said job cuts are possible and ruled out salary hikes next year.

After a long wait finally some action from indian services company.... better late than never....

things have gone from bad to worse, but indian compaines have not taken any remedial action...

i would like to more salary cuts, than job cuts... it would help stabilise the economy....
we have grown too fast for our own good... now is the time to stabilise... and build on what we have...

build infrastructure .... and so on.. required for growth when the recession ends

its just the begining, indian companies were arrogant not to take any action when whole world cracking their brains.... now we should similar action from other companies... and then the collapse of indian economy...

these arrogant IT professionals have taken huge loans, with the assumption that real estate prices can only go in one direction... now we will see it going in the opposite direction...

it was just a matter of time, before one of the indian companies announces job cuts... and other follow... we have reached that time... and the time of collapse of real estate market...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

end patents

great site, which covers patent related issues for software

and as usual, US govt does not have any sense, and surprisngly indian govt/judiciary seems to be sensible enough to disallow software patents

patents just kill innovation... i am working professional and i know... patents are just a number for companies ...

and junk US govt/courts say 'anything can be patented'

dilbert goes environmental

list of H1

That is enough transparency... don't start giving out names of all of these

citigroup's innocent plan
what do you expect... without any gain why would citigroup be ready to let govt take stake in it... it wants to make it valuable even though it is worthless

some people do have sense
it looks i have been proven wrong... atleast there are a few people who have sense of what is happening... who can understand pumping more money won't help.... US can no longer feed the world's economy... and what US financial institutions have done to the world economy

Fortunately, the people with the power to influence don't have that sense and US can destroy itself like soviet union did

Monday, February 23, 2009

bank stocks rise on govt investment
few days when rumours of nationalisation stocks fell ... now when govt wants to put money without trying to control those banks stocks rise
These worthless financial idiots just want more money, without losing control....and distribute that money as bonuses to junk executives.... None of them deserve even a penny... they should all be jailed....but no, US would not do it....because it is a slave of private co-orporatons

atleast in india we know politicians are openly corrupt... but in US they are hidden corrupt... there is no US govt... there are only a group of private company representative sitting in white house

slumdog bags 8 oscars

i couldn't believe it... it was just an average movie.... only 6/10 worth
but 8 oscars.... it just proves
Ghar ki murgi, dal barabar
Meaning : Self possessions are always undermined and other's possessions seem better.

EU financial clampdown
EU to regulate all financial markets
as expected EU reacts to problems unlike US which just sits and watches
great news...lets hope US does not do this... and becomes history

Central banks dump dollar for euro
But what about INR ? why isn't it growing ?
Every other currency is growing against dollar, but rupee just keeps touching new lows .....

The great bush turned $236.4 billion surplus into a $413 billion deficit..... you are great bush... no one could have done it....really really great

china is saying publicly they do not want to dump dolllar.... then candidly they have plans to dump dollar.... great news

as the article says china/japan has great control over US dollar... had this recession happened 10 years from now(i am not saying it will not continue for another 10 years)...china would have dumped dollar... but right now china is not self-sufficient... and it is using this recession to become one... when it does we would have tales once upon a time there existed a currency called dollar in US

Ballmer argued that device openness was important to give customers more choices

am I dreaming ?..
ballmer asking for openness when his own products are completely closed

Nah...i am not dreaming... if steve jobs has asked for openness i need to be surprised.. but its ballmer... idiots like him are expected to ask for such things when they don't follow them personally

China begins million-volt power line
To be frank, i am quite surprised to see this article on yahoo finance, which has been a US finance poster site
Yahoo finance has one of the best web tools being used, but terrible news coverage.
Every junk little thing happening in US is covered, but the most important things happening in china/russia are ignored.
Atleast now US media should have realised there is a power shift from US to Asia
Asia is the future and atleast now they should focus on asia, before its too late... its already too late anyway... US is rotting

"This is a milestone in the history of the power industry," State Grid vice president, Lu Jian
and we are going to see many such milestones being acheived by Asia from now on... asia is going to lead the world...and US media will keep propaganding china as a pirate(stealing US innovation when there is hardly anything done there) and will suffer

As a signature
CNN is not a news channel, its a US propoganda machine

Sunday, February 22, 2009

money as debt
Came across this video again today

Analogy to software industry
Start with a terrible design (terrible credit based economy with control lying in the hands of private banks)
Encounter a crash (Periodic recessions)
Don't attempt to fix the bug, but provide workarounds (bailouts, but never fix the financial system)
If no workarounds reboot (try to restart the economy by nationalising/gaining control of banks and then again give it back to prepare for another recession)

And people say software engineers industry working needs revamp (to move to validation style followed by hardware engineers)

nationalise banks

UK is ready to nationalise banks
Germany is ready to nationalise banks
but US is not ..

US wants to spend billions of dollars of tax payers money and give to the financial executives who caused this crisis

Thanks US... for not taking the right direction and screwing yourself

US finds new Afghan supply route

What is there find ?? Several countries were ready to provide supply route for non-military supplies
The key who will accept bribe from US(and risk the wrath of other Arab nations) to allow military supplies

May be they should dig a secret tunnel through earth from US to afghanistan

Even if any country is ready to accept the bribe, i hope it isn't in dollars

UBS blocks US client details move

And a few days back US media was saying UBS was ready to disclose client details.
As always terrible news coverage by US media, and as always other media sponsored by US companies follow the suit (and other media which are only intrested in US)

Iran in 'backroom offers' to West

quote from the article

"Iran offered to stop attacking British troops in Iraq to try to get the West to drop objections to Tehran's uranium enrichment project, a UK official says."

So that is why suddenly we see a lower amount of smearing of Iran by US.
What did british offer ??? May be we have some more disclosures to come

But why did the smear campaign even begin ??? US doesn't complain much against PAK or even India. Maybe somebody else offered something to start it at the first place

Saturday, February 21, 2009

sed and awk

i don't know how complex (or tons of functionality) awk has, but i know sed has a little too much for its own good
it has always been difficult to understand the various options with sed

anyway the reason for this post is this article explaining sed and awk

finally someone who tries to demystify sed
or may be the only article that i have found during my short span with this electronic device

Try orkut in Google Chrome

I see this message today when i log into my orkut account
Now this is infringement... You can suggest to use google chrome if your site does not work on firefox... but suggesting to use google chrome right in the centre of the page is terrible by google standards

But still i can't move away from using google services, they are too good

Bank Worries Pummel Wall Street

What do you expect..
Atleast Europe had the courage to acknowledge failure early and rectify it, but US ... never

11-year low, not good enough... the fall is just begining... there is still a hefty price to pay for US for what it has done to the world financial system

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wallstreet sinks

C'mon 'sinks', you really can't call that way if it happens everyday, it would be just a normal fall. Anyway US should get used to this, this is the only direction wallstreet is going to go

Wallstreet crumbles ....nah...not good... but i am only good enough for that
Gold rises ...... use something better.... it is not just rising .... it is risssssssssing..

I feel very calm after this
I should really do this everyday.... then i don't have to do yoga (i don't do it now, but its just one of the things you wish you could do)

First Post ...

Finally ...
After years of thoughts going to garbage, finally somewhere to put them
But I am no big B to blog every day
What should i blog about ?
Bash everything as the URL says ????
Or bakvaz as the title says ???

As always first go and see for a Google gadget for blogging directly iGoogle.

It seems i am pretty bad still at googling(really should be added to dictionary, it is more common than any other word) and can't find a gadget for this.
Or maybe google gadget searcher is not enough... yah ... that must be the reason