Monday, February 23, 2009

China begins million-volt power line
To be frank, i am quite surprised to see this article on yahoo finance, which has been a US finance poster site
Yahoo finance has one of the best web tools being used, but terrible news coverage.
Every junk little thing happening in US is covered, but the most important things happening in china/russia are ignored.
Atleast now US media should have realised there is a power shift from US to Asia
Asia is the future and atleast now they should focus on asia, before its too late... its already too late anyway... US is rotting

"This is a milestone in the history of the power industry," State Grid vice president, Lu Jian
and we are going to see many such milestones being acheived by Asia from now on... asia is going to lead the world...and US media will keep propaganding china as a pirate(stealing US innovation when there is hardly anything done there) and will suffer

As a signature
CNN is not a news channel, its a US propoganda machine

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