Tuesday, May 10, 2011

rpcbind port conflict with statd no SLES 11

In sles11 portmap has been replaced with rpcbind, which provides additional features like IPv6 and nfsv4 support. By default like portmap, rpcbind listens on port 111. But rpcbind also uses an additional UDP port that it always keeps open and blocked.

Output for portmap on older SLES version

XXX:~ # lsof -p 4046
portmap 4046 nobody  cwd    DIR    8,1   24576       2 /
portmap 4046 nobody  rtd    DIR    8,1   24576       2 /
portmap 4046 nobody  txt    REG    8,1   17568  687066 /sbin/portmap
portmap 4046 nobody  mem    REG    8,1  132847 1733314 /lib64/ld-2.4.so
portmap 4046 nobody  mem    REG    8,1   36736 1733389 /lib64/libwrap.so.0.7.6
portmap 4046 nobody  mem    REG    8,1   14646 1733355 /lib64/libutil-2.4.so
portmap 4046 nobody  mem    REG    8,1 1570331 1733321 /lib64/libc-2.4.so
portmap 4046 nobody  mem    REG    0,0               0 [heap] (stat: No such file or directory)
portmap 4046 nobody    0u   CHR    1,3            3763 /dev/null
portmap 4046 nobody    1u   CHR    1,3            3763 /dev/null
portmap 4046 nobody    2u   CHR    1,3            3763 /dev/null
portmap 4046 nobody    3u  IPv4  13208             UDP *:sunrpc 
portmap 4046 nobody    4u  IPv4  13220             TCP *:sunrpc (LISTEN)
XXX:~ # 

Output for rpcbind on SLES11

XXX:~ # lsof -p 9909
rpcbind 9909 root  cwd    DIR                8,1     4096       2 /
rpcbind 9909 root  rtd    DIR                8,1     4096       2 /
rpcbind 9909 root  txt    REG                8,1    56536 6185085 /sbin/rpcbind
rpcbind 9909 root  mem    REG                8,1    61467 7405594 /lib64/libnss_files-2.11.1.so
rpcbind 9909 root  mem    REG                8,1    19114 7405583 /lib64/libdl-2.11.1.so
rpcbind 9909 root  mem    REG                8,1    39712 7405649 /lib64/libgssglue.so.1.0.0
rpcbind 9909 root  mem    REG                8,1   108213 7405588 /lib64/libnsl-2.11.1.so
rpcbind 9909 root  mem    REG                8,1  1661454 7405577 /lib64/libc-2.11.1.so
rpcbind 9909 root  mem    REG                8,1   135646 7405603 /lib64/libpthread-2.11.1.so
rpcbind 9909 root  mem    REG                8,1   160248 7405669 /lib64/libtirpc.so.1.0.10
rpcbind 9909 root  mem    REG                8,1    42016 7405618 /lib64/libwrap.so.0.7.6
rpcbind 9909 root  mem    REG                8,1   149797 7405570 /lib64/ld-2.11.1.so
rpcbind 9909 root    0u   CHR                1,3      0t0    2376 /dev/null
rpcbind 9909 root    1u   CHR                1,3      0t0    2376 /dev/null
rpcbind 9909 root    2u   CHR                1,3      0t0    2376 /dev/null
rpcbind 9909 root    3r   REG                8,6        0  563076 /var/run/rpcbind.lock
rpcbind 9909 root    4u  sock                0,6      0t0   18570 can't identify protocol
rpcbind 9909 root    5u  unix 0xffff88042b8b63c0      0t0   18543 /var/run/rpcbind.sock
rpcbind 9909 root    6u  IPv4              18545      0t0     UDP *:sunrpc 
rpcbind 9909 root    7u  IPv4              18549      0t0     UDP *:690 
rpcbind 9909 root    8u  IPv4              18550      0t0     TCP *:sunrpc (LISTEN)
rpcbind 9909 root    9u  IPv6              18552      0t0     UDP *:sunrpc 
rpcbind 9909 root   10u  IPv6              18554      0t0     UDP *:690 
rpcbind 9909 root   11u  IPv6              18555      0t0     TCP *:sunrpc (LISTEN)
XXX:~ # 

rpcbind uses an additional UDP port, in this case it is port 690. Unfortunately there is no way to control on which port rpcbind will get when it requests a free UDP port.

On a typical NFS server mountd/nfsd/statd are configured to start on specified ports, this is to assist in configuring the firewall. On our machines, statd was configured to start on port 690, but as rpcbind was started before statd, statd could not start with error 'address already in use'

XXX:~ # grep statd /var/log/messages | tail -10
2011 May 10 11:45:38 XXX_01 rpc.statd[27766]: Version 1.2.1 Starting
2011 May 10 11:45:38 XXX_01 rpc.statd[27766]: Could not bind name to socket: Address already in use

This happens occasionally during reboots, when rpcbind acquires the same port on which statd was configured to start. Since this is a UDP port, it does not show up in 'netstat' and will only show up in lsof

XXX:~ # netstat -atn | grep 690
XXX:~ #

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