Friday, March 27, 2009

anti-incumbency for mayawati ?

As the election date approaches, what comes as a bigger surprise is the admission by people in government that anti-incumbency has begun to tell on the Mayawati regime. Officials eagerly outline the many welfare projects in various stages of implementation. But they also accept that complaints of police corruption and harassment are genuine, and are proving a headache for the government. Consequently, not many are willing to bet on the BSP bagging too large a number of Lok Sabha seats.

it would be nice if this is true, but it really does not seem to be happening... all she needs one event which would make people she is leader for masses, and they will forget everything and vote for her... its terrible for UP, for india, but there really doesn't seem to be any other alternative without her for UP... BJP doesn't seem to be as strong as it was once in UP.... and mayawati did manage to make herself known at the national stage... i doubt she is even worried about what happens in UP, she is keeping her eyes on delhi... and it is unfortunate that left and other regional parties are supporting her

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