Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saakashvili to blame: report

A European Union probe into the August war in South Ossetia between Georgia and Russia has blamed Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili for unleashing the conflict.

It was known immediately when the war happened, why it happened, but as usual US media will keep it down

Another great blog
Those of us that read media outside of America and know how to study the start of conflicts and able to trace the roots of this one conflict. It also becomes obvious how slanted the American media is toward the jingoistic messages, and this includes CNN. Yet, the truth is out there, if you look outside America, and trace the past actions and statements of a tyrant like Saakashvili. It then falls in place as to who was the guilty party. In the previous post, I partially exposed that Saakashvili is not some “freedom-loving supporter of American values” that is a victim of Russian “naked” aggression, but may have, indeed, started this conflict and got what he rightfully deserved from Russia.

fortunately i am getting to closer to become one of those persons who read media outside of america

It is clear that now observers are coming out that Georgia started this conflict and that Saakashvili made a huge misjudgment by believing that Russia would not respond to his army’s attacks on South Ossetia and Russian peacekeepers. The judgment of Saakashvili should be of great concern, as well as his credibility and some kind of “freedom-loving supporter of American values.” Yes – Saakashvili is a supporter of American values alright – those of American Neocons when it comes to useless jumps into war. Saakashvili got everything he deserved from Russia – and in the future he will be running for his life again – this time from the Georgian people!

and a comment on the blog

I am a student of modern history based in Australia - when Georgia went into South Ossetia I too wondered what on earth he thought he was doing. I agree with the principle that South Ossetia & Abkhazia are by rights part of Georgia but what Saakashvili did seemed deliberately designed to provoke a Russian retaliation which it did.

Then I asked myself, who was walking into whoose trap ? - I wondered if the Russians were waiting for this Georgian move then went in to flatten Georgia & try to topple Saakashvili, but what I now suspect happened was that the US encouraged Saakashvili to do what he did knowing Russia would retaliate then at the height of it the US signed its accord with Poland to implement a missile defense shield on Polish soil & did so while the Russians were being vilified internationally for their heavy handed (but very professional) putting down of Georgia's attack.

I suspect the US achieved what it wanted & the fact the Condaleezza Rice spent to much time in Georgia before & during the invasion suggests the US knows a lot more about why Saakashvili did what he did than they are admitting.

I chalk this up as a win to the US & a black mark against Russia. But anyone who knows the area must know that Russia resents Georgia being able to pipeline oil to the west outside Russia's control & that soon there will be a natural gas pipeline through Georgia as well - the west does not want its energy supplies running directly through Russian lands while Russia wants exactly that.

Doug Marker - Sydney Australia

I know its outdated, but its always good to refresh real truths and facts

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