Monday, March 16, 2009

reality in reality shows

i have been waiting to write against these reality shows for quite a long time

finally an article, which points to the effects of these shows... i personally hate them... but have seen a lot of people who just love them.... if you just look at those shows, they seem so preplanned and orchestrated.... i really don't feel it is a competition... it is more a show which you can run for years, and keep people involved

Celebrity judges provide the food and fodder for these shows with their off-the-cuff remarks and scintillating mannerisms.

None of the judges really know well enough about what they are juding.... they are just chosen to add glamour to the show, and some nonsense

These shows are trying to convert ordinary people to idiot celebrities.... celebrities anyway behave and talk like idiots... now they are making these ordinary people idiots... they are probably asking and teaching them to add/exaggerate emotions, just add make audiences feel attached to the artists

And SMS voting... what can we say.... just like good movies which never succeed, because people do not have ability to understand/appreciate them trully... these people who really are not qualified enough to judge the artists are given the right to choose who is the better artist.... really ridiculous... these are not shows to find artists.... these are shows to involve audience into shows
It is comical yet pathetic to hear those cringing voices begging for SMS, outsmarting even professional beggars.

reality shows... to the people.. for the people.. by the people... but not real

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