Friday, December 18, 2009

comments on slashdot by IgnoramusMaximus (692000)

by IgnoramusMaximus (692000) on Thursday December 17, @12:55PM (#30475942)

Your first mistake is assuming that operations against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan started in 2001. The rest of your argument is rendered moot by that mistake. The US has been operating in Afghanistan since the 90's, as a response to earlier Al Qaeda attacks. The 2001 invasion was just the final commitment in a much longer campaign.

Oh I see, so in addition to being the chief sugar-daddy and arms supplier to Al Qaeda throughout 1980s, the USA then proceeded to meddle directly and covertly in Afghanistan as soon as their "allies" won and the USSR withdrew, showing itself utterly duplicitous and untrustworthy to the locals ... and this is improving your case how exactly?

That, of course, hinges on how you define "victory". If all we care about is maintaining majority control over the country and preventing it from being used as a staging area for further attacks against the west, then we've already won.

By that token the Nazis "won" WWII in 1942 ... I mean they occupied and held a lot of territory at the time, "preventing it from being used as a staging area by the Allies", no?

Under any other reasonable definition we ... we haven't achieved all of the goals we've set for ourselves, but the odds of eventually meeting them are pretty much 100%.

Yes, the time-honoured way of getting your ass handed to you: "fail to declare coherent, logical and testable goals, bloviate endlessly about 'progress' and 'democracy' and whatever other abstract and nebulous feel-good concept you can come up with, declare 'victory' and skedaddle home holding your bruised posterior, having met 'your goals' 110%! - whatever those 'goals' morphed into in the end in order to be met 110%". You did not seriously think you are the first would-be conqueror to come up with this?

The opposite forces have no chance of achieving a military victory - the best that they can hope for is that we get bored and go home.

You have an interesting way of defining "boredom", apparently measured in trillions of dollars, thousands of wounded, dead and maimed on your side and many more on theirs...

And yes, all the defenders have to do is to do what they always have done ... to outlast the latest Empire until it crawls back whence it came from. They have an ample precedent for that, although you are of course the Super-extra-specially-exceptional Empire, the American One, so everything will be oh-so-super-specially-extra-exceptionally different for you, despite no substantial changes in the general conditions of the whole affair. Just because America is oh-so-Speeeecial!

As long as we're willing to stay, we can't lose

Which is pretty much a guaranteed loss for the USA as the "will to stay" (translated to real-life measurements of mayhem and treasury) is far, far, lower than "their" will to outlast you - they are after all fighting for their homes, their "way of life" (as they see it) and their religion (and "zealot" is too kind a word to describe most of them) - and all that on top of their vastly disproportionately lower cost of warfare!

Unfortunately, it seems likely that we will decide to leave, largely due to opinions such as yours.

No, you will leave because that is the only thing you can do. The alternative is "total war" and utter bankruptcy of the US Empire. None of the previous empires left because of nay-sayers either, they left because staying further meant Imperial Collapse (and some, like the USSR, waited a tad too long). No amount of Rah-Rah cheer leading will change basic realities of Afghanistan and the logistics of foreign conquests.

I find that truly depressing. Seems like people didn't learn a damn thing from the American mistakes in the 80's.

What is truly depressing is that Americans didn't learn a damn thing from their own mistakes in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s and the mistakes of all the Empires past: that the by-necessity belligerent Imperial foreign policy doctrine never ends well in the final tally for the Empire. You seem to forget that all of your troubles with Al Qaeda are the result of your own short-sighted, arrogant meddling in the affairs of others! You yourself created most of your own enemies, by steadfastly applying double-standards to your allies-of-the-moment, backing vicious tyrants then taking them down when they upset you, backing some belligerent bullies while condemning others, etc etc etc, whenever and however suited you, all the while braying about "rule of law" (which of course does not apply to the "oh-so-special" you) and "democracy" (which you immediately disregard if the "wrong" sort of people get elected). In some future editions of English dictionaries when one looks up "hypocritical", "duplicitous" or "self-serving", it will have "American" as a synonym.

Comments in slashdot by IgnoramusMaximus (692000)

If your friend shoots one of my family members and then goes and hides in your house, I'm not picking a fight with you when I come to drag him out. If you decide to get in my way, that's your problem.

Well, its a fine demagoguery you got there, but the actual reality was that the Taliban demanded to see evidence of Bin Laden's responsibility before handing him over (remember that Bin Laden is just a "spiritual leader" - read: "pontificating bore that talks hell of a lot but hasn't actually done much directly" as opposed to other, more hands-on operatives who worked out of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and, in the case of the 9/11 crew, Germany) and the USA flatly refused. Following which the USA invaded declaring any and all comers as "unlawful combatants" with no rights of any kind.

So to keep your analogy straight, you have a case of my friend showing up at my house saying that you are gunning for him, following which you show up with a box of explosives and demand that I hand him over or else "because he did me wrong!". And when I say "hold on for a sec, what proof exactly do you have?" you say "I don't have to explain myself to a non-human like you, far beneath my superior Manifest Destiny self! What I say goes or else! You got 10 minutes to comply!" and then set the bomb off 5 minutes later, killing my wife and maiming my kids, following which you get the biker gang down the street to help you rummage through and "govern" the wreckage. And so now you have two mortal enemies instead of one and not exactly what could be called a "moral high ground".

This is how the Afghanistan mis-adventure is seen by "the other side" and it is of little wonder that the fight will likely go on indefinitely, Taliban having quite a bit (and growing by many accounts) of local support and very able to present itself as the victims of a belligerent, arrogant, foreign, religiously-motivated, supremacist aggressor, victims who will defend their ancestral homeland, their religion and their "way of life" against that aggressor to the bitter end.

I'd say the odds of "victory" in Afghanistan for the USA are pretty much on the same level as those of all the previous Empires ... not entirely zero but any Vegas slot machine looks like a guaranteed retirement plan by comparison.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tension with India disturbing Pak's focus on war on terror: US

That was a good laugh. Pakistan focussing on war on terror ? they must be joking.

Pakistan never focussed on war on terror, even though it affects pakistan too. The government has no control over extremists. All the funds US is providing to Pakistan are only being used for further sponsorship of extremism. How do these idiots even come upto a stage where their comments are published in papers ?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Repost of slashdot comment

I see your problem. You think managers are logical and considerate. You are wrong, sadly.

I worked for the state of Georgia a few years back, during my time there our group cut our districts IT costs essentially in half, not my doing or anything but it happened either way.

At the end of the year we had a large amount of cash left over in our budget because of the ways we came up with to save during the year.

You know what happened? We spent almost every dime we had left over doing stupid training for things we were perfectly qualified to manage already because our next years budget would be based on what we spent the previous year.

So ... rather than doing our jobs well and being rewarded by getting a little more consideration when we actually NEEDED the money in the future, we had to waste it to ensure that we'd get the funds next time around, even though we knew we wouldn't need them unless something unforeseen happened or that we'd need the money in a couple years when the next round of upgrades/replacement needed to occur. You simply can't budget properly in that state because once you've given some money back, getting an increase later is next to impossible, you have to ramp up over several years in order to get some extra for upgrades/replacements of major systems.

It was worse than just that however, not only did we have a surplus that we wasted, we had other groups in our district that had surpluses as well, which rather than losing the funding the following year they would figure out ways to funnel the money to us (legitimately) so we could spend it on new equipment to justify their budget.

The other groups had extra money because they would get grants and federal funding to do projects, but the funding wouldn't be around the following year, so to continue those public health projects in the future, they really needed to keep their allotment for the next year high enough to pay for everthing.

I write this comment and still think it was absolutely retarded, but those poor bastards that were actually doing the work couldn't do 'the right thing' because it would only screw them within a couple of years because managers and politicians up stream are so broken and stupid that they reward wastefulness and punish efficiency.

There really is no reason that your typical government worker wants to be efficient, they just get punished for it later. Try to remember that next time you go to the health department, DMV or whatever government office and you see them doing something that seems like a complete and utter waste of resources. They probably are fully aware of it, but have to do it anyway so they don't get fucked later and end up with too little money and some stupid politician asking them why they ran out.

Another one

I worked as head of Critical Factilities Engineering for a major financial services provider with a 1 MM sq ft campus. There were just over 4000 employees on the campus, each one with at least 1 computer at his/her office/cube. After having a very expensive energy audit performed, a potential savings was (big surprise) shutting down PCs.

Despite calculating that the organization could save $75K annually (this was a conservative estimate), their marketing department put a stop to the idea. Why marketing? Because the company had just gone through a "rebranding" and the marketing department had designed a new screensaver for all workstations with the new logo/slogan. None of these computers were in client facing positions, so effectively, they were insistent on wasting energy to themselves!

No, I'm not kidding.

Monday, April 13, 2009

repost of slashdot comment

By definition the world is mostly made up of average people. For those of us that were products of public schools and other institutions that accepted everyone regardless of their abilities or backgrounds we can probably think back on groups that showed exactly what "average" means.

This combines with the most common failure of unfettered democracy, the tyranny of the loud (and perhaps underemployed/bored/obsessed), to create a perfect storm of vitriol, ignorance, and selfishness in places like an open forum online.

Quite simply, people without knowledge or experience in a field deserve less speaking time than those with knowledge and experience. If those people that are excluded from a discussion because they are ignorant or inexperienced want to participate than they should take the time to become knowledgeable and experienced in the field.

I always like to see open discussions but I also like to see comments rated and organized so that I can sift through the crap to get to the gold, something that guyminuslife mentions is missing from the Post's website system.

and some more

The BBC has it's own reader's comments section called "Have Your Say". It's moderated by a BBC team and it's notorious for censoring completely valid and non-abusive opinion. For example, when they had a topic on Google's participation in censorship in China, some posters pointed out that the BBC also censors things. The BBC responded to this by removing their posts (the topic that day had pre-moderation switched off, something that virtually never happens now). This prompted other people to point out the irony of the BBC removing posted about BBC censorship on a topic about censorship. The BBC then quickly pulled those posts. This prompted more similar responses and eventually the BBC gave up.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Police chief quits over blunder

secret documents should only be opened in closed containers. Not glassed rooms, or even inside your own vehicle, anyone could use a very high resolution camera to take a picture from far enough and zoom enough to read the text, no wonder there is quite a lot of demand for suitcases

Germany launches Hypo Real Estate takeover bid

The government's bank rescue fund said it would offer euro1.39 per share of the commercial property lender.

Even germany realises that companies should not be given cash but should be bought to make the right reforms, but US would never realise it.

Japan seeks NKorea debris

When i read the title i just felt japan is seeking for NKorea to be reduced to debris, but soon came to senses and reaslised they just want NKorea rocket launch debris.

Why does McCain's statement come into picture here ? He is not president of foreign affairs minister, why does his statement get attached to the title ?

He said, however, that technical difficulties and concerns about cost may make it difficult to renew the search.
It is obvious that searching for debris in oceans are costly, otherwise it would have been already done by curious US or south korea

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

iF TV science was more like real science

India woman 'divorce scam' arrest

seen it movies but never read a article about it.

a 26-year-old woman arrested
His lawyer said the complainant was the woman's ninth husband
wow... that is fast

Monday, March 30, 2009

Vast Spy System Loots Computers in 103 Countries
A vast electronic spying operation has infiltrated computers and has stolen documents from hundreds of government and private offices around the world

Trust US to hype up any such things even if they never existed

The researchers, who have a record of detecting computer espionage, said they believed that in addition to the spying on the Dalai Lama, the system, which they called GhostNet, was focused on the governments of South Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Friday, March 27, 2009

recession hits poll campaign ?

Parties like the BJP say corporate funding, which is a big source of funds for political parties, is drying up this time.
They are not recession proof...but they are the solution to recession... unlike US which has to make huge amounts of official govt spending, indian politicians would make huge amount of unofficial politicial spending

US returns taxes to inject money to come out of recession ===== indian politicians give out cash to voters to vote for them
US bailouts banks ===== indian politicians bail out the poor
US ensures banks are not regulated so that they can fail, and govt can bail them out again ==== indian politicians ensure poor remain poor, so they can bail them out

India's emerging power worries China: US or does it worry US

India's emerging power worries China: US

India's emergence as an economic, political and military power has left Chinese army worried, even as the two countries in the recent years have increased their economic and military cooperation, a report released by Pentagon said

China fury at US report

The Pentagon reported that China was successfully managing to expand its arsenal of sophisticated weaponry, even though Beijing's ability to sustain military power at a distance remains limited.

Chinese "armed forces continue to develop and field disruptive military technologies", including "nuclear, space, and cyber warfare"
Both the articles are based on the same report, which say that china is worried about india, and US is worried about china's growing power... so what does that mean ?????? does it mean US is worried about china, india... which is not true, US is not worried about india's growth, US doesn't see india challenging it, but it knows china would challenge it soon. But why do they say 'china is worried of india', china isn't, it is the truth, but what benefit does US gain.... they are trying to make sure that india and china do not get together.... US is already worried of china, and if india and china come close (considering russia and china are already coming close) it will mean doom for US.... europe doesn't see any more gains with supporting US, but they do not right now wish to go and support china/russia..... US is trying very hard to keep asia divided, they are scared if asia becomes union like europe, it will be their end

anti-incumbency for mayawati ?

As the election date approaches, what comes as a bigger surprise is the admission by people in government that anti-incumbency has begun to tell on the Mayawati regime. Officials eagerly outline the many welfare projects in various stages of implementation. But they also accept that complaints of police corruption and harassment are genuine, and are proving a headache for the government. Consequently, not many are willing to bet on the BSP bagging too large a number of Lok Sabha seats.

it would be nice if this is true, but it really does not seem to be happening... all she needs one event which would make people she is leader for masses, and they will forget everything and vote for her... its terrible for UP, for india, but there really doesn't seem to be any other alternative without her for UP... BJP doesn't seem to be as strong as it was once in UP.... and mayawati did manage to make herself known at the national stage... i doubt she is even worried about what happens in UP, she is keeping her eyes on delhi... and it is unfortunate that left and other regional parties are supporting her

MIT to make all faculty publications open access

Although most commercial academic publishers require that the authors of the works they publish sign all copyrights over to the journal, Congress recently mandated that all researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health retain the right to freely distribute their works one year after publication
This is one of the most ridiculous clauses that exist in a lot of journals, you do all the work but you lose a lot of your rights over your work if you want to publish in a journal. People doing work don't care about publisher, they just want their work to be known to others. Its already been too late, we have not moved to a more open format of publishing, almost everything nowadays is available for access on web, but research publications are not. I have seen a lot of my friends struggling to find publications related to their work, but their colleges don't have subscription to those journals, why is knowledge constrained in distribution, what is the point in doing research if cannot be used by others because of silly publication restrictions. Its just like what commercial companies do with their patents in scientific world

googles 'undo send'

Google Inc.'s Gmail Labs has launched an experimental feature called "Undo Send" that gives users a chance to rewrite their message, correct settings or simply fix typos

5 seconds is enough during most of the times we wish to cancel... in some cases it is not enough, but any amount of time would not be enough.... if we have such tools on desktop mail clients, it would be more useful

Gmail is the best mail service online, it has intergrated video and audio chat directly on their website which really works better than yahoo's......but it is sad it does not work on linux right now.... but as usual google gives out the best first in windows and then if it has time and resources and gives out a miniature version for linux.... but something is better than nothing... even if its after a few months if gmail features are available on linux it would be greate

india voting

Site has opinons, votes, statistics, quizzes, crosswords and a lot of such information regarding indian politics, but a little difficult to navigate

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza

The Guardian has compiled detailed evidence of alleged war crimes committed by Israel during the 23-day offensive in the Gaza Strip earlier this year, involving the use of Palestinian children as human shields and the targeting of medics and hospitals.

A month-long investigation also obtained evidence of civilians being hit by fire from unmanned drone aircraft said to be so accurate that their operators can tell the colour of the clothes worn by a target.

Some of the most dramatic testimony gathered by the Guardian came from three teenage brothers in the al-Attar family. They describe how they were taken from home at gunpoint, made to kneel in front of Israeli tanks to deter Hamas fighters from firing, and sent by Israeli soldiers into Palestinian houses to clear them. "They would make us go first so if any fighters shot at them the bullets would hit us, not them," 14-year-old Al'a al-Attar said.

Saakashvili to blame: report

A European Union probe into the August war in South Ossetia between Georgia and Russia has blamed Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili for unleashing the conflict.

It was known immediately when the war happened, why it happened, but as usual US media will keep it down

Another great blog
Those of us that read media outside of America and know how to study the start of conflicts and able to trace the roots of this one conflict. It also becomes obvious how slanted the American media is toward the jingoistic messages, and this includes CNN. Yet, the truth is out there, if you look outside America, and trace the past actions and statements of a tyrant like Saakashvili. It then falls in place as to who was the guilty party. In the previous post, I partially exposed that Saakashvili is not some “freedom-loving supporter of American values” that is a victim of Russian “naked” aggression, but may have, indeed, started this conflict and got what he rightfully deserved from Russia.

fortunately i am getting to closer to become one of those persons who read media outside of america

It is clear that now observers are coming out that Georgia started this conflict and that Saakashvili made a huge misjudgment by believing that Russia would not respond to his army’s attacks on South Ossetia and Russian peacekeepers. The judgment of Saakashvili should be of great concern, as well as his credibility and some kind of “freedom-loving supporter of American values.” Yes – Saakashvili is a supporter of American values alright – those of American Neocons when it comes to useless jumps into war. Saakashvili got everything he deserved from Russia – and in the future he will be running for his life again – this time from the Georgian people!

and a comment on the blog

I am a student of modern history based in Australia - when Georgia went into South Ossetia I too wondered what on earth he thought he was doing. I agree with the principle that South Ossetia & Abkhazia are by rights part of Georgia but what Saakashvili did seemed deliberately designed to provoke a Russian retaliation which it did.

Then I asked myself, who was walking into whoose trap ? - I wondered if the Russians were waiting for this Georgian move then went in to flatten Georgia & try to topple Saakashvili, but what I now suspect happened was that the US encouraged Saakashvili to do what he did knowing Russia would retaliate then at the height of it the US signed its accord with Poland to implement a missile defense shield on Polish soil & did so while the Russians were being vilified internationally for their heavy handed (but very professional) putting down of Georgia's attack.

I suspect the US achieved what it wanted & the fact the Condaleezza Rice spent to much time in Georgia before & during the invasion suggests the US knows a lot more about why Saakashvili did what he did than they are admitting.

I chalk this up as a win to the US & a black mark against Russia. But anyone who knows the area must know that Russia resents Georgia being able to pipeline oil to the west outside Russia's control & that soon there will be a natural gas pipeline through Georgia as well - the west does not want its energy supplies running directly through Russian lands while Russia wants exactly that.

Doug Marker - Sydney Australia

I know its outdated, but its always good to refresh real truths and facts

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

China calls for new global currency

finally something positive from china..... russia has been pressing hard for this.... finally some open support by china
In an unusual step, the essay was published in both Chinese and English, making clear it was meant for an international audience.

Though difficult to happen, but would be great if it did.... US will no longer rely on dollar.... and would actually do something useful

Monday, March 23, 2009

open-iscsi discovery CHAP authentication


open-iscsi is one of the best iSCSI initiators available with linux. One of the problems with open-iscsi initiator is how to do discovery which requires CHAP authentication

iscsiadm would not allow to specify CHAP authentication attributes without adding the discovery address, and you cannot add a discovery address without doing a successfull discovery which would require CHAP credentials if configured on target side

To Do discovery CHAP authentication with open-iSCSI
Edit the /etc/iscsi/iscscid.conf to add the discovery authnetication manually

discovery.sendtargets.auth.username =
discovery.sendtargets.auth.password =

and then use iscsiadm to add the discovery address, it will then use the above CHAP credentials to authenticate with the target

Friday, March 20, 2009

TomTom sues microsoft

comment on slashdot

Personally I'm waiting for IBM to jump on the band wagon and sue both TomTom and Microsoft for patent infringement for using electronic devices in implementing data reading. Then Oracle decides they want a slice of the pie and sues everyone for infringing on their patent to use patents to sue other companies. And just when this mexican standoff starts to get hairy, we get HP joining in claiming that everyone has violated their patent of patenting patents. At this point all the big guns come out and the pantent suites start flying until you need a a meter by meter poster to diagram out the connection using a 10pt font. The Lawyers then go to work, bankrupting all the companies and then turn around and ask the US government for a bailout. Which is when AIG strikes claiming that it would violate their patent of receiving government bailouts.

At this point the rest of the world decides to nuke the US to stop the disease from spreading.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Russia for global financial reforms

Russia will push for sweeping global financial reforms designed to weaken U.S. dominance and replace the dollar with a new “super-national reserve currency

Russia is getting agressive day by day.... Russia is open to criticism of US... china is a little conservative, as it is currently dependent on US, when it becomes self-sufficient, it will go out even harder at US

“The obsolescent unipolar world economic order should be replaced by a system based on the interaction of several major centres,” said the six-page document posted on the Kremlin website on Monday.

How much of it can russia achieve is the question.... how strong would be US after recession ends (if it ever ends)... a world without dollar dominance is anyway better

Russia has proposed hammering out the principles for a new global financial system at a post-G20 international conference. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday called for international control over irresponsible decisions of individual countries that disrupt world finances.

China Gains Key Assets

Chinese companies have been on a shopping spree in the past month, snapping up tens of billions of dollars' worth of key assets in Iran, Brazil, Russia, Venezuela, Australia and France in a global fire sale set off by the financial crisis.

China controls dollar... now it wishes to secure itself... Once it gains enough strenght it will dump dollar

Russia announces rearmament plan

Mr Medvedev said the primary task would be to "increase the combat readiness of [Russia's] forces, first of all our strategic nuclear forces".

Analysts say the brief war in Georgia exposed problems with outdated equipment and practices within Russia's armed forces and led to calls for military modernisation.
They cleaned up south ossetia in a day, and they are not happy with it

I always thought i missed the experience of what it was like during 'cold war'.... i might experience it now

Monday, March 16, 2009

RBI's policy for rate cuts

The RBI had a well thought-out plan behind its twin moves — of cutting the indicative short-term interest rates and leaving CRR untouched. On the one hand, the central bank wanted banks to disburse funds to productive sectors of the economy, while on the other, it sent across a message to the market players that there was enough liquidity in the system and it would monitor the use of that liquidity.

RBI, EC and Judiciary are the best institutions of india.... they are unbiased, and are not manipulated significantly by govts (there is always a small amount of manipulation done by govts, but not much)

RBI is not dumb like US fed.... it knows what it is doing.... banks have a lot of cash... they just don't want to lend it... they have no idea of the risks in the current scenario..... but as usual dumb co-orporates always think they know better and ask for further cuts and cuts

The moral of the story is: the RBI is effectively controlling liquidity in the market and that it does not want to give an opportunity or a situation to the market players to exploit the excessive liquidity — if there at all be in the market — for speculative purposes.

reality in reality shows

i have been waiting to write against these reality shows for quite a long time

finally an article, which points to the effects of these shows... i personally hate them... but have seen a lot of people who just love them.... if you just look at those shows, they seem so preplanned and orchestrated.... i really don't feel it is a competition... it is more a show which you can run for years, and keep people involved

Celebrity judges provide the food and fodder for these shows with their off-the-cuff remarks and scintillating mannerisms.

None of the judges really know well enough about what they are juding.... they are just chosen to add glamour to the show, and some nonsense

These shows are trying to convert ordinary people to idiot celebrities.... celebrities anyway behave and talk like idiots... now they are making these ordinary people idiots... they are probably asking and teaching them to add/exaggerate emotions, just add make audiences feel attached to the artists

And SMS voting... what can we say.... just like good movies which never succeed, because people do not have ability to understand/appreciate them trully... these people who really are not qualified enough to judge the artists are given the right to choose who is the better artist.... really ridiculous... these are not shows to find artists.... these are shows to involve audience into shows
It is comical yet pathetic to hear those cringing voices begging for SMS, outsmarting even professional beggars.

reality shows... to the people.. for the people.. by the people... but not real

Indian economy runs out of stimulus

Most part of the news article is already known, but put in a straightforward manner without any bias....
in these times... its usual for govt/RBI to keeps projections a little higher than expected, just to keep the sentiment... even though we are not going to see a growth of 7%, govt would just keep projections a little higher

as far as the deficit is concerned... our govts, just like financial institutions thought they can keep borrowing beyond their capabilities to repay... and now we have a huge deficit, even without any huge stimulus packages

RBI has reduced interest rates a lot of times, but banks are not ready to pass it fully to customers... they are not confident of recovery of existing loans

Russia may base bombers in Cuba

this was expected... russia was not going to sit and watch US building bases in countries around russia... russia is no longer weak.... it will surround US with its allies... US is paying countries around russia to support it... russia doesn't have to pay countries around US for support, these countries hate US and would support any country against US

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Will India get another Nobel Prize in physics?

google translate

when google initially started its translation system, it was plain terrible... it was below google standards that we have got used to.... then google started system where users can suggest translation... i don't whether that helped in any way, or its just google engineers imporved the tranlsation facility.... now if we look at google translate and once translation leader (free, altavista's bablefish, now yahoo babelfish), google has gone far ahead of babelfish

may be one day when we try to read mails in different languages... plugins would automatically call google to translate stuff and add the new translated stuff alongwith the mail.... its an obvious solution to the need to tranlation.... but junk US patent system will issue a patent for this

i once heard of a patent application for 'a mail viewer plugin, which would allow user to click reply and then the reply would be taken as voice input(that is you can use your mouth instead of hands)' .... is this really innovation.... but US patent system is so dumb it would accept it

Saturday, March 14, 2009

American recklessness led world to recession: canada pm

finally a govt official is ready to point finger at US..... everybody knows what caused this... but nobody has the courage to officially point a finger at US.... except nations which US media has already created an image as terrorist nations or nations which are always against US....

its great that a close ally of US is ready to officially acknowledge facts..... would anyone else follow.... would europe follow... would britian dare accuse US for the recession ????

Advani's poll promises
n a slew of poll promises, BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate L K Advani on Saturday said if NDA is voted to power, it will make Multi-purpose National Identity Cards mandatory, provide laptops to students at Rs 10,000 and give free mobile phones to people below poverty line.
Wikipedia even has articles on projects initiated by govts.... how will any other commercial encylopedia (britannia) will be able to do all of this.... its truly amazing the depth of coverage that is there in wikipedia.... and even google funky logos link to wikipedia articles of the event for which logo is made

free moblie phones.... but what kind of mobile phones... you can get china made mobile phones even for 500 rs (if all intermediate dealers profits are removed)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Campaign for No Criminal politicians

The core idea of the 'No Criminals' campaign is to launch a nationwide effort to enable large numbers of citizens to appeal to political parties not to give tickets to people with criminal antecedents in the upcoming elections.

Media mashups

Great stuff...

eckbox and tempest
is a codename referring to investigations and studies of compromising emanations (CE). Compromising emanations are defined as unintentional intelligence-bearing signals which, if intercepted and analyzed, may disclose the information transmitted, received, handled, or otherwise processed by any information-processing equipment.

Eckbox is software designed to aid in a specific type of security testing against a spying attack known as van Eck Phreaking or TEMPEST. It involves picking up radiation leaking from an electronic device, such as a monitor, and interpreting the signal to recreate the data contained in the device. This can be thought of as a sort of shoulder-surfing. Eckbox is the first and only open-source software designed that helps to test against this kind of attack. But it's still in early development, so feel free to contribute code, ideas, designs, advice, and nonthreatening e-mails :).

Godwin's law

Godwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states: "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."[2][3] References to Godwin's Law often actually refer to a corollary of it which determines that the person who first makes an unwarranted reference to Nazi Germany or Hitler in an argument loses that argument automatically.

Mozilla Without Google ?

its unlikely that google would terminate its contract with mozilla.... all google cares about is ad-revenue, if it comes form firefox/chrome it does not matter for them.... but still mozilla should look for other sources of revenue

Cybercrime-as-a-service takes off,cybercrimeasaservice-takes-off.aspx

india is losing out at this services industry..... government should support companies to enter into this services industry.... there is huge amount of cash in this

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

EC acts on complaint

Terming it as a violation of the model code of conduct, the EC, acting on a complaint filed by BJP alleging misuse of Commonwealth funds to politically benefit the Congress, ordered that “the total cost of the advertisements should be recovered from the personal accounts of the officers and persons responsible for the release of the advertisements.” It has sought a compliance report by 12 noon on Monday.

monopoly: deadweight loss

In economics, a deadweight loss (also known as excess burden or allocative inefficiency) is a loss of economic efficiency that can occur when equilibrium for a good or service is not Pareto optimal. In other words, either people who would have more marginal benefit than marginal cost are not buying the good or service, or people who would have more marginal cost than marginal benefit are buying the product.

For example, consider a market for nails where the cost of each nail is 10 cents and that the demand will decrease linearly from a high demand for free nails to zero demand for nails at $1.10. In a perfectly competitive market, producers would have to charge a price of 10 cents and every customer whose marginal benefit exceeds 10 cents would have a nail. However if only one producer has a monopoly on the product, then they will charge whichever price will yield the highest profit. For this market, the producer would charge 60 cents and thus exclude every customer who had less than 60 cents of marginal benefit. The deadweight loss is then the economic benefit forgone by these customers due to the monopoly pricing

against monopoly

is not as hard as first step towards real progres...
if we could get rid of stupid copyright laws or atleast diminsh their effect it would be great

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

quote of the day

When everything is possible nothing is easy...

Monday, March 9, 2009

we're going to hit deflation soon

gear up.... we might hit deflation even before US.... but unfortunately it might result in further reduction of interest rates... it would be better if they categorise loans into slabs... like home loans... all current loans should be made into slabs... encouraging reasonably priced goods, and more goods....those hi-tech stuff does not really help in jobs... they just help a few people show-off...

anycase... april will be interesting month... defaltion.... company results(and more layoffs).... elections... april is full of action

long way to bottom;

any economist would say the samething.... anyone with common sense would have already known this.... but our great obama will say to public 'it is right time to buy stocks'

pirate bay trial

emerging markets might deflate

Even the EM currencies are likely to weaken due to collapse in interest rates. However, monetary condition will have to ease by lowering interest rates in the EMs. Soon inflation will turn to deflation

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Blinking Light

Quite often there is no visible activity on my computer screen, but I see the hard-drive light blinking furiously. What is it doing? I wonder. At least the little light tells me that it is alive, though I worry about why it is so busy. At such times I often wish that there were a special key labeled “What are you doing?” I’ve always found the task manager rather useless for this purpose, and no human being could possibly interpret the gibberish that fills your screen following the dreaded “blue screen of death.”

virtual box vs vmware server

Vmware server only provide web gui, so the only way to access the gui is via a browser..... terribly slow to operate... infact the slowest gui that i have seen anywhere.... but has the advantage that you can go through firewalls since most offices allow http port access... you can directly see the display of the vm through http, no extra work required.... but has the annoying habit of asking for installation of the same plugin when different vmware server hosts are accessed

virtual box does not have a good web-gui... but most of the times you can ssh into the machine and launch the GUI from command line and should be able to the see the GUI through X11 forwarding... the GUI is reasonably good and intutive and definitely tons of times faster than vmware server web-gui... but has the problem you need to use SSH X11 forwarding if you are accessing a remote host
Unfortunately GUI does not allow to start a machine in background... to start a machine in background you have to VBoxManage startvm -type vrdp ... this might be irritating sometimes while using GUI

Unlike vmware server which allows certain VM attributes to be modified while the VM is running, vritualbox would completely disable any modifications to a VM if it is running... This might be incovenient if you are doing some testing like, network, where you want connect a certain device to a different network

Display of VM
vmware server only allows see the display of the VM from web-gui.... after installing a plugin

virtual box will allow to see the display if you are running directly from GUI as a foreground... otherwise use rdesktop to connect to a certain port

vmware-server would not allow to set the order of boot from GUI.... virutal box does

Both provide NAT/Bridge/Host-only-network , or equivalent
With vmware-server you would have to create the network you wish to use, if you wish to use a bridge with eth0, you would have to create that bridge using which would not allow the operation if there are existing VMs running...

virtual box allows you to directly the host device to which to connect from GUI, without and additional configuration.... host-only networking or private networks between virtual machines, can be created on the fly by just specifying a name for the internal network and any machines connecting to internal network with that name should be able to talk to each other

Overall networking of virtual box far outperforms that of vmware-server

Overall the performance of virtual box seems to be better than that of vmware-server... but we are only to publish any numbers for vmware-server without certification from vmware

Can India deflate

We know US and UK are going to deflate, but can india deflate ?.... inflation has dropped faster than expected, will it go down so low as to deflate ?... what will happen if we do deflate ?

Time to Abandon Adobe]

I remove the 'It may be',... as it should have been done long time ago...

The new fact of internet... considering it is the 2nd most worst product after symantec anti-virus

apple mac 300 features which are decades behind others
99% of those really can't be features, but apple users are dumb enough to think they are features... so not a problem for apple
Leopard is the world’s most advanced operating system
a joke that i can laugh anytime and everytime i read it... i wonder why would no one sues apple for such ridiculous statements
All of the features listed here existed decades ago... but apple users are so ignorant they would think these are revolutionary features

polls would take money out of real estate

its good news... i have started to feel may be real-estate guys have managed to convince to people that real-estate prices at the right level.... even if they are highly inflated and deserve to be brought down by atleast 30-40%.... the polls should allow for cash to be taken out of real estate and may be would help in reduction in real estate price...

Obama's convincing lies

Thus, in a recent interview Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner tried to make a distinction between the “basic inherent economic value” of troubled assets and the “artificially depressed value” that those assets command right now. In recent transactions, even AAA-rated mortgage-backed securities have sold for less than 40 cents on the dollar, but Geithner seems to think they’re worth much, much more.

And the government’s job, he declared, is to “provide the financing to help get those markets working,’’ pushing the price of toxic waste up to where it ought to be.
What’s more, officials seem to believe that getting toxic waste properly priced would cure the ills of all our major financial institutions. Earlier this week, Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, was asked about the problem of “zombies” — financial institutions that are effectively bankrupt but are being kept alive by government aid. “I don’t know of any large zombie institutions in the U.S. financial system,” he declared, and went on to specifically deny that AIG — AIG! — is a zombie.

I guess even Ben Bernanke knows that the inherent value of those assets are lower than what he is saying... but he just does not wish to admit it.... if he admits it would result in further collapse of the market.... US market is currently surviving on a thin line of confidence in obama.... even though anyone with sense obama is not good enough to do anything about it..... it just that people have some hope in obama, and if he admits the truth, it would result further fall

If you ask anyone economist they would recovery would only happen in 2010, but obama has to say recovery will happen this year end, otherwise he knows it will cause a loss in confidence of consumers

china - US relationship

hillary clinton visit to china - beg china to buy american treasuries.... basically everyone should know this by now....but still US media will not admit and say, it is for strenghtening US-India relationships

If only china didn't have $2 trillion foreign currency in dollars, it would have been different.... they have to support dollar to keep value of their foreign curreny.... US is using this to bargain with china to fund huge US bailouts....
Luo ping "Except for US treasuries, what can you hold ? Gold ? You don't hold japanese govt bonds or UK bonds. US treasuries are the safe haven. For everyone including china, it is the only option"

Vijaya mallya wins bid 'for the country'

for the country
i don't understand how the government could claim vijay mallya's winning bid as govt's win

My view is we should not have valued them with money even for vijay mallya to do this would be incorrect.... gandhi gifted his posessions to people, he didn't sell them for money.... buying them for money would mean supporting the auctioneer belieft that everything can be valued in terms of money.... it should have been diplomatically acquired by stopping the auction using diplomatic means instead of buying them .... it might have taken some time or we might not be able to get the items during this auction but we should eventually try to get it without valuing it by using money....

And ambika soni was claiming mallya bought it on her request acting on behalf of indian govt.... really our politicians can't find better way of making fools of them

indian outsourcing

Always thought recession could only affect indian outsourcing industry in two ways.... one where protectionism will win over cost-saving and result in loss for indian outsourcing.... the other where indian outsourcing will improve because of cost-savings..... now there is a third angle....with recession cost cuttings from india would not be enough and companies would be ready for outsourcing against protectionism, cheap-labour but good enough quality.... to cheap-labour and below par quality just to cut costs

Chavez seizes U.S. food giant unit

All countries seem have to suddenly realised nationalisaiton should be priority.... well US will never do that, as the US govt is run by corporates... who would never tolerate nationalisation no what damages they have caused

Blue Swallow (Cheong yeon)

watched this movie today on utv world movies
It says korean movie, but as a foreigner i don't understand both japanese and korean and can't distinguish either, so as a language persepective it is difficult to distinguish which of the dialogues are in japanese and which in korean.... Anyway the movie is set in 1930's, about a pilot and a flight competition.... Overall the movie the movie was good.... shows that flying at high altitudes is not just about pulling the accelerator.... it has got a lot to do with aerodynamic, flow of air, engine and lots of other things which english movies usually try to avoid.... graphics at a few places is not upto par, considering it is made in 2005.... and a few scenes can be avoided... and some really sudden twists (turns from a normal drama to a political drama)

also learned something.... korea once merged with japan for some time....

US 'not winning in Afghanistan'

If you talk to General [David] Petraeus, I think he would argue that part of the success in Iraq involved reaching out to people that we would consider to be Islamic fundamentalists, but who were willing to work with us because they had been completely alienated by the tactics of al-Qaeda in Iraq
This has always been what US does, choose someone who would help them in their current endeavour, without understanding the result of it. The choose saddam and encouraged him against someone/something that they wished at that time, and later they would have to go after saddam.... This is what will happen again, they will support other islamic fundamentalists now who will turn against US in future, and then US will have to hunt them down again.... its a never ending loop that US military tries to keep

In any case, they are under wrong assumption that US is winning in Iraq it isn't

When economy bottoms out, how will we know?

But the economy always recovers. It runs in cycles
I always thought economists make it run in cycles, they make sure it gets inflated and a bubble gets created and watch it blow up

None of them expects it to come anytime soon.
But it is president's responsbility to say we are going to see recovery by this year's end

HOW MUCH WORSE COULD IT GET? The darkest days for the job market are almost certainly still ahead
We have not even met the dark days yet, we have to reach dark days and then darkest days, we have a long long long way ahead

HOW BAD IS IT?: The median price of a home sold in the United States fell to $170,300 in January, down 26 percent from a year and a half earlier, according to the National Association of Realtors
We are hoping for a correction of atleast 50 percent in india, things have become very inflated here

Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago, said the Dow could fall to 6,000 if the economy slows much further and unemployment rises well past the current 8.1 percent.
How is the article so incoherent, above it says economists feel we see unemployment touch 10% but there is again an if here, maybe CIO of harris private bank isn't an economist who tries to think ahead.
Anway it means we are going to see dow touch 5000 odd levels, as we are sure of hitting higher unemployement rates

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cow urine soft drink

Come summers and markets would see the launch of a new soft drink made from cow's urine, which is considered sacred in parts of the country.

Media reports say that a hard line Hindu outfit, known for its opposition to "corrupting" Western food imports, is all set to launch this soft drink.

Reports say that the bovine beverage is undergoing laboratory tests for the next two to three months and the specific date for its commercial release is not known as yet.

Nor are the different flavors known as yet, but manufacturers said the liquid produced by cows is being mixed with products such as aloe vera and gooseberry to fight diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

citigroup's fortune

About two years ago, Citi's market value was above $270 billion. Today its market cap is a little over $5.4 billion

Thursday, March 5, 2009

today's dream laptop

Asus Lamborghini
300MB/sec., a sustained read speed of 240MB/sec. and a sustained write speed of 215MB/sec.
Intel Core 2 Quad CPU and 4GB of RAM
6-in. "full HD" screen -- 1080p, or 1920 by 1080 pixels
Nvidia GeForce GT 130M graphics chip with 1GB of GDDR 3 video RAM.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

quote of the day

Americans will always find the solution to the problem... after they've tried everything else.

I think its churchill

Repost : of a comment on slashdot

Honestly we, Canada, are quite content with the fact that you preach such crazy patriotism to your kids at a young age and we don't have any worries.
We're taught more to come up with our own views and opinions of the world and the country itself (through school and society). And from looking around, myself, I feel that I live in a country that is much less off-the-wall (so to speak) than the rest of the world. I was not told through school and/or society that I need to worship Canada like it's a second/first religion, however I would put my life up for this country in a heart-beat if it were ever threatened.
You can't force anyone to love a country, but you can let them.

I feel the same way about my home country (Australia). Australians deep down are quite patriotic, but it is a quiet, learned patriotism, rather than the overt 'God bless America' flag-waving culture you see in the US. If you asked us, we wouldn't say we were patriotic. But most would, as you say, defend it to the death if there was a real threat. Life is just too good here to give up easily, it truly is one of the world's best places to live (Canada is nice too BTW from what I've seen) :)

I'm qualified to talk about this distinction I think, because my wife is in fact an American who has just recently permanently moved here to Australia with me. (Incidentally she's well educated, a good example of the brain drain out of the US). I've also spent a lot of time in the US myself, both for business and pleasure.

I think the US a wonderful country with some of the friendliest people you will find anywhere. But the first time I visited I could not BELIEVE the awful, tacky, in-your-face patriotism. Flags from every freaking house (here, flags are pretty much just for government buildings etc). HUGE flags on the side of highways and stuff for no apparent reason (why? seriously, why?). In a way, the US displays its national symbol so much and so often that it loses it's importance and meaning I think. Here, we treat our flag with a great deal of respect and use it only for official occasions. And I think it is more symbolic and meaningful because of that.

So I think your last comment "You can't force anyone to love a country, but you can let them", is a perfect summation. In most countries, people come to love their country gradually and deeply, because they genuinely think it's a wonderful place. In the US though it does seem as if patriotism is more ... indoctrinated into people.

US deal with Russia over Iran

"If the new administration shows common sense and offers a new [missile defence] structure which would satisfy European [needs] ... and would be acceptable for us, we are ready to discuss it."

Rightly pointed out by mededev... the new US govt/president seems to have a tiny bit of common sense, which the previous govt/president lacked

hacking nedap election system

3 men, 1 minute

The Formula That Killed Wall Street

Well basically this is what the article says
"For five years, Li's formula, known as a Gaussian copula function, looked like an unambiguously positive breakthrough, a piece of financial technology that allowed hugely complex risks to be modeled with more ease and accuracy than ever before. With his brilliant spark of mathematical legerdemain, Li made it possible for traders to sell vast quantities of new securities, expanding financial markets to unimaginable levels. His method was adopted by everybody from bond investors and Wall Street banks to ratings agencies and regulators. ... [T]he real danger was created not because any given trader adopted it but because every trader did. In financial markets, everybody doing the same thing is the classic recipe for a bubble and inevitable bust."

And an useful information from the article
"Americans now owe more than $11 trillion on their homes"

But blaming Li for investors greed is wrong.... the model might be wrong or right.... it is responsibility of the follower to understand the model and its limitations.... the model might work only if one person follows it and others don't.... it might fail if everyone follows it.... or it might create a hugely inflated bubble.... without understanding the model, traders use it... because they didn't have the brains to understand it.... so they just saw a single number which said it would benefit them and they just followed

Recession good for Indian IT ?

There has always been 2 sides of this argument.... with recession US companies would look for cost cutting and outsource work to indian companies.... the other is, with recession US companies would like to help their economy by trying to increase jobs locally.... both makes business sense.... unless the economy recovers their company can't grow (you can't grow by cutting costs forever) so they have to hire local people more and help their consumer spending .... and the other, during these tough times you have cut costs so you outsource to cheaper countries.... some companies might the first approach and others second.... and basically they average out and we should not see any significant changes in indian outsourcing industry

Obama suggests buying stocks

a president has to be more responsible while passing comments.... he is not an ordinary person.... he holds a person which deserves respect.... people believe him.... passing comments to advice people to buy stocks at this volatile moment is bad for a president.... he is not a stocks analyst.... even analysts are not recommending anything confidently... but the president goes to media and says its a good time to buy... sheer irresponsibility

Obama is accused of being too negative......... i think he has been too positive with his comments.... saying his actions would help recovery..... economy would recover slowly irrespective of his actions.... his predictions of quick recovery are too optimistic.... he is just trying to ensure the sentiment does not turn bad and result in more pain for economy.... and people are saying he has been too negative.... wow

Pakistan minister blames india

A Pakistani minister accused India of being behind the attack on Sri Lanka's cricket team in the city of Lahore on Tuesday, saying the attackers had crossed into Pakistan from India.

That is funny...... do pakistan think we don't have anything better to do ?
pakistan is already in self-destruct mode.... why would be even bother about it

Monday, March 2, 2009

Parable of the broken window

what an excellent way of justifying actions

Parable of the broken window

what an excellent way of justifying actions

phd comics

Iran's uranium 'enough for bomb'

Under bush presidency it would have been an understatement
But under obama this is ridiculous.... atleast he should have some sense on not following up these media bangings

Friday, February 27, 2009

more tax for rich

surprising to see this move from a corporate controlled govt
anyway, this is the right way to go... rich have only far richer and poor became poorer...
if only we could have this policy in india... it would be great.... 1% additional tax on ambani would save tons of rupees for poor people...

more tax cuts for rich

surprising to see this move from a corporate controlled govt

Manned space flight by india

why do we really need a a manned

obama breaks bush record
$1.75 tn deficit this year

i thought only bush could have managed to take US into a huge deficit....
obama is breaking bush's record in making the larget deficit in the least amount of time

Thursday, February 26, 2009

No salary hike, job cuts

As a part of cost cutting measures to tackle global economic downturn, IT major Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Thursday said job cuts are possible and ruled out salary hikes next year.

After a long wait finally some action from indian services company.... better late than never....

things have gone from bad to worse, but indian compaines have not taken any remedial action...

i would like to more salary cuts, than job cuts... it would help stabilise the economy....
we have grown too fast for our own good... now is the time to stabilise... and build on what we have...

build infrastructure .... and so on.. required for growth when the recession ends

its just the begining, indian companies were arrogant not to take any action when whole world cracking their brains.... now we should similar action from other companies... and then the collapse of indian economy...

these arrogant IT professionals have taken huge loans, with the assumption that real estate prices can only go in one direction... now we will see it going in the opposite direction...

it was just a matter of time, before one of the indian companies announces job cuts... and other follow... we have reached that time... and the time of collapse of real estate market...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

end patents

great site, which covers patent related issues for software

and as usual, US govt does not have any sense, and surprisngly indian govt/judiciary seems to be sensible enough to disallow software patents

patents just kill innovation... i am working professional and i know... patents are just a number for companies ...

and junk US govt/courts say 'anything can be patented'

dilbert goes environmental

list of H1

That is enough transparency... don't start giving out names of all of these

citigroup's innocent plan
what do you expect... without any gain why would citigroup be ready to let govt take stake in it... it wants to make it valuable even though it is worthless

some people do have sense
it looks i have been proven wrong... atleast there are a few people who have sense of what is happening... who can understand pumping more money won't help.... US can no longer feed the world's economy... and what US financial institutions have done to the world economy

Fortunately, the people with the power to influence don't have that sense and US can destroy itself like soviet union did

Monday, February 23, 2009

bank stocks rise on govt investment
few days when rumours of nationalisation stocks fell ... now when govt wants to put money without trying to control those banks stocks rise
These worthless financial idiots just want more money, without losing control....and distribute that money as bonuses to junk executives.... None of them deserve even a penny... they should all be jailed....but no, US would not do it....because it is a slave of private co-orporatons

atleast in india we know politicians are openly corrupt... but in US they are hidden corrupt... there is no US govt... there are only a group of private company representative sitting in white house

slumdog bags 8 oscars

i couldn't believe it... it was just an average movie.... only 6/10 worth
but 8 oscars.... it just proves
Ghar ki murgi, dal barabar
Meaning : Self possessions are always undermined and other's possessions seem better.

EU financial clampdown
EU to regulate all financial markets
as expected EU reacts to problems unlike US which just sits and watches
great news...lets hope US does not do this... and becomes history

Central banks dump dollar for euro
But what about INR ? why isn't it growing ?
Every other currency is growing against dollar, but rupee just keeps touching new lows .....

The great bush turned $236.4 billion surplus into a $413 billion deficit..... you are great bush... no one could have done it....really really great

china is saying publicly they do not want to dump dolllar.... then candidly they have plans to dump dollar.... great news

as the article says china/japan has great control over US dollar... had this recession happened 10 years from now(i am not saying it will not continue for another 10 years)...china would have dumped dollar... but right now china is not self-sufficient... and it is using this recession to become one... when it does we would have tales once upon a time there existed a currency called dollar in US

Ballmer argued that device openness was important to give customers more choices

am I dreaming ?..
ballmer asking for openness when his own products are completely closed

Nah...i am not dreaming... if steve jobs has asked for openness i need to be surprised.. but its ballmer... idiots like him are expected to ask for such things when they don't follow them personally

China begins million-volt power line
To be frank, i am quite surprised to see this article on yahoo finance, which has been a US finance poster site
Yahoo finance has one of the best web tools being used, but terrible news coverage.
Every junk little thing happening in US is covered, but the most important things happening in china/russia are ignored.
Atleast now US media should have realised there is a power shift from US to Asia
Asia is the future and atleast now they should focus on asia, before its too late... its already too late anyway... US is rotting

"This is a milestone in the history of the power industry," State Grid vice president, Lu Jian
and we are going to see many such milestones being acheived by Asia from now on... asia is going to lead the world...and US media will keep propaganding china as a pirate(stealing US innovation when there is hardly anything done there) and will suffer

As a signature
CNN is not a news channel, its a US propoganda machine

Sunday, February 22, 2009

money as debt
Came across this video again today

Analogy to software industry
Start with a terrible design (terrible credit based economy with control lying in the hands of private banks)
Encounter a crash (Periodic recessions)
Don't attempt to fix the bug, but provide workarounds (bailouts, but never fix the financial system)
If no workarounds reboot (try to restart the economy by nationalising/gaining control of banks and then again give it back to prepare for another recession)

And people say software engineers industry working needs revamp (to move to validation style followed by hardware engineers)

nationalise banks

UK is ready to nationalise banks
Germany is ready to nationalise banks
but US is not ..

US wants to spend billions of dollars of tax payers money and give to the financial executives who caused this crisis

Thanks US... for not taking the right direction and screwing yourself

US finds new Afghan supply route

What is there find ?? Several countries were ready to provide supply route for non-military supplies
The key who will accept bribe from US(and risk the wrath of other Arab nations) to allow military supplies

May be they should dig a secret tunnel through earth from US to afghanistan

Even if any country is ready to accept the bribe, i hope it isn't in dollars

UBS blocks US client details move

And a few days back US media was saying UBS was ready to disclose client details.
As always terrible news coverage by US media, and as always other media sponsored by US companies follow the suit (and other media which are only intrested in US)

Iran in 'backroom offers' to West

quote from the article

"Iran offered to stop attacking British troops in Iraq to try to get the West to drop objections to Tehran's uranium enrichment project, a UK official says."

So that is why suddenly we see a lower amount of smearing of Iran by US.
What did british offer ??? May be we have some more disclosures to come

But why did the smear campaign even begin ??? US doesn't complain much against PAK or even India. Maybe somebody else offered something to start it at the first place

Saturday, February 21, 2009

sed and awk

i don't know how complex (or tons of functionality) awk has, but i know sed has a little too much for its own good
it has always been difficult to understand the various options with sed

anyway the reason for this post is this article explaining sed and awk

finally someone who tries to demystify sed
or may be the only article that i have found during my short span with this electronic device

Try orkut in Google Chrome

I see this message today when i log into my orkut account
Now this is infringement... You can suggest to use google chrome if your site does not work on firefox... but suggesting to use google chrome right in the centre of the page is terrible by google standards

But still i can't move away from using google services, they are too good

Bank Worries Pummel Wall Street

What do you expect..
Atleast Europe had the courage to acknowledge failure early and rectify it, but US ... never

11-year low, not good enough... the fall is just begining... there is still a hefty price to pay for US for what it has done to the world financial system

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wallstreet sinks

C'mon 'sinks', you really can't call that way if it happens everyday, it would be just a normal fall. Anyway US should get used to this, this is the only direction wallstreet is going to go

Wallstreet crumbles ....nah...not good... but i am only good enough for that
Gold rises ...... use something better.... it is not just rising .... it is risssssssssing..

I feel very calm after this
I should really do this everyday.... then i don't have to do yoga (i don't do it now, but its just one of the things you wish you could do)

First Post ...

Finally ...
After years of thoughts going to garbage, finally somewhere to put them
But I am no big B to blog every day
What should i blog about ?
Bash everything as the URL says ????
Or bakvaz as the title says ???

As always first go and see for a Google gadget for blogging directly iGoogle.

It seems i am pretty bad still at googling(really should be added to dictionary, it is more common than any other word) and can't find a gadget for this.
Or maybe google gadget searcher is not enough... yah ... that must be the reason